”Our vision is a thriving, caring community that celebrates our connection with the Earth and with each other, and cultivates a sustainable, peaceful and productive lifestyle”
We have a vision of a way of life that
- affirms our understanding that we are an integral part of nature, respects all beings, and treads more lightly on the Earth,
- acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land and the rich diversity of our own ancestral histories, as we continue our role of temporary guardianship,
- is resilient and able to adapt to a changing world,
- is sustainable ecologically, socially, economically, culturally, personally and spiritually,
- is developing efficient, sustainable and locally-based systems for energy, water, food and other basic necessities of life,
- is cooperative and mutually supportive,
- makes decisions by consensus, and engages in mediation and conflict management as necessary,
- encourages a focus on relationship, inner peace, and living together in connection, love and harmony with each other and the Earth,
- provides a safe, loving environment in which children, adults and elders flourish and are nurtured,
- is a vibrant hub of community arts and crafts of all kinds,
- is fully engaged with the larger community of which it is a part, and
- is a place of healing, training and education for understanding the world’s predicament, embracing change and developing personal and community resilience.
Bringing our Vision into Reality
A: Ownership and management
We envisage:
- a balance between individual and collective ownership and responsibility,
- a variety of housing options, including long term rentals,
- facilities and common land owned and managed by the community,
- protected areas of remnant native vegetation together with connecting wildlife corridors where possible, and gardens planted to encourage native birds and animals,
- power to control building standards and private land management vested in the community for the good of the whole,
- decisions made by consensus with mediation and conflict management processes when necessary, and
- a community land trust to provide access to affordable housing in perpetuity.
B: Physical infrastructure
- The lay-out of housing has been planned to foster social interaction whilst respecting privacy;
- There will be a mixture of responsibility for physical infrastructure (eg roads, water supply, power, etc) between the community and individuals;
- We aim for house design and construction that creates a beautiful village with low ecological footprint;
- Internal walking and cycling paths will be created to connect residents and encourage physical exercise;
- There will be community internet access.
C: Environmental footprint
- All buildings will be constructed to high standards for energy usage, sustainable materials and aesthetics, in keeping with the Village Development and Building Design Guidelines;
- The community aims to generate its own energy, and to be carbon neutral or better;
- The community aims to use world best practices for independent on-site waste management;
- The community has its own water sources, will collect roof water, and aims to use water efficiently and to re-use grey water;
- The community will adopt permaculture and organic land management principles.
- We aim to minimise use of motor vehicles;
- Vehicle movements within the community will be restricted;
- Car parking will be clustered to minimise the visual impact and will be grassed where possible;
- We will support a community vehicle-share system;
D: Community businesses and economy
- The community aims to develop businesses and generate employment for residents as far as possible, but household finances will be the responsibility of individuals and families;
- The community aims to develop businesses based on, but not limited to, arts and crafts, education, healing and therapy, and food production;
- The community will grow as much of its food as possible, particularly fruit, nuts and vegetables using organic and permaculture principles;
- The community aims to develop an internal trading system to enable members to trade time, skills and goods;
- We will establish a food co-op and possibly a bulk food store;
- Most possessions will be individually owned but many will be shared including garden and workshop machines, bicycles and tools;
- We aim to provide shared transport – car sharing and/or minibus or other;
- The community aims to provide a common house in Hobart for overnight stays.
E: Community facilities
- We aim to create a place of beauty with attractive buildings surrounded by gardens;
- We aim to build a common house for community use, to complement the existing community kitchen and dining area;
- We will provide a sacred space for spiritual practice;
- There is already a recreation room. We will develop other leisure facilities for both children and adults to complement existing facilities in the locality;
- We aim to provide shared office, storage, workshop, studio and laundry spaces;
- We will provide an ablution block for campers and temporary residents;
- We will explore establishment of child-care and home-schooling facilities.
F: Community life
- We acknowledge and welcome the richness that diversity brings to community life;
- We actively promote inter-generational balance in the community;
- The eventual permanent population of the village will be a maximum of about 100 people;
- Community members are committed to creating an environment in which the safety and well-being of all are enhanced. All members agree to share the responsibility for the protection of everyone, and especially children, elders and those with special needs, from any physical or emotional harm;
- Members are expected to contribute to the community;
- The community aims to balance privacy and social life;
- The community will develop places for spiritual practice, meditation and inner reflection;
- The community will have a spiritual basis but follow no one spiritual path;
- Health-care will be an individual responsibility, with the support of the community;
- Child-raising will be primarily the responsibility of the child’s parent(s), supported by the whole community which acknowledges the enrichment that community life can bring to children and vice versa;
- Caring for our elders will be primarily the responsibility of the individual and their kin, supported by the whole community which acknowledges the enrichment that elders bring to the community;
- The community will continue to participate in international Wwoofing and Help Exchange programmes to promote cultural exchange;
- There will be a vibrant community culture, such as shared meals, regular meditations, yoga, a cafe, arts and entertainment;
- At all community meals, every effort will be made to ethically source the food, and vegetarian options will always be provided;
- Some companion animals will be allowed under strict conditions;
- The community will have a comprehensive drug and alcohol policy which emphasises personal responsibility, respect for others, and compliance with the law.
- We recognise that living in a community can heighten the intensity of interactions that occur between people. We celebrate the joys and delights that this close proximity can bring, and we also regard the occasions when differences or conflict arise as opportunities for personal and collective growth;
- Members of the community actively commit to developing and deepening their skills in group processes, compassionate communication, consensus decision-making and conflict management through training and practice;
- Our community will connect with the place we live, and interact with and support the wider Tasman Peninsula community;
- We will network with other like-minded ecovillages and organisations nationally and internationally;
Created by Tasman Ecovillage Founding Group, March 2012. Updated October 2012 (v2)