3 remaining lots for sale at TEV Gardens!
see below for details

"Our vision is a thriving, caring community that celebrates our connection with the Earth and with each other, and cultivates a sustainable, peaceful and productive lifestyle."

Established in June 2013, we are on the road to this vision. With around 45 full-time residents, we are proud of what we are creating and excited by the possibilities. We invite you to join us . . . . .

Wwoofing Opportunities

Please see our Work Exchange page for the latest information on wwoofing and other work exchange opportunities.

Visitor Accommodation Options

Short and longer term rental accommodation is occasionally available.

See our Accommodation page for more details.

Lot Availability

Please note that all the available residential lots in Pods A, B and C at Tasman Ecovillage have now been sold. It is expected that Pod D will be released within the next 12 months. Residential lots are occasionally resold and availability can be found on the For Sale page.

There are three residential lots remaining for sale at Tasman Ecovillage Gardens.

For the latest information see: https://land.tasmanecovillage.org.au/land-for-sale

Current Government Grants

The first home owner grant in Tasmania is now $10,000. See the State Revenue Office website for more information.


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