Affordable Housing in Perpetuity?

Tasman Ecovillage is committed to providing affordable housing, now and for future generations. To this end, we have included the possibility for a Community Land Trust (CLT) in our Vision for the village.

The vision came a little closer to reality when we were recently invited to partner with a research team led by Dr Louise Crabtree at the University of Western Sydney (UWS). We will be one of four Case Studies for the “Community Land Trust Research Project – Phase 2”

A community land trust is a not-for-profit entity that holds title to property in perpetuity, for the dual purposes of creating and stewarding perpetually affordable housing and community benefit. It gives access to stable and affordable housing to people who are normally priced out of the housing market by way of either a long term lease or a shared equity arrangement. Residents own their home, can resell it and leave it as an inheritance for their children. They maintain equity in their property, although this is capped on resale to prevent speculation and maintain affordability.

There are currently over 200 CLTs in America and over 100 in the UK but, as yet, none in Australia. This is a very exciting opportunity not only for Tasman Ecovillage but for the wider Tasmanian and Australian community, as the information that is gathered from the Case Studies will inform future projects.

The UWS team have already done extensive research into the establishment of CLTs in Australia, the result of which was published in 2013 as “The Australian Community Land Trust Manual”.  Phase 2 is the next stage of this research.

I have recently visited Burlington Vermont in the US. Home to a number of land and housing trusts. We spent a few weeks looking and learning at and about the various models. Champlain Housing Trust estabilshed 30 years ago with $200k now holds $300m of assests. A great model to look at.
Hello, my friend and i would like to work for you and live in your beautiful village. we both honour the earth and give our love and respect to all beings. we can help bring back awearness of self-sustainability. we can give the gift of fertility back to the earth.
Hi Jess, see the Work Exchange page at and the Accommodation page at for the latest information.
The is a list of intentional/sustainable communities being built on several portals, one of which I've been adding at
Thanks Simon. Maybe it would be appropriate to add Tasman Ecovillage to this page also?
Done, Neil!
Thanks Simon!
hope someone is going to create a CLT for QLD.
Quoting Victor James:
hope someone is going to create a CLT for QLD.

Me, too, Victor. Perhaps we should link up. See my blog
Hi Victor, the best person to talk to about CLTs in Australia is Dr Louise Crabtree who may know what's happening in Queensland.
The more I learn about CLT, the more keen I am to see them happening in Tasmania. Anyone out there interested in forming a Launceston-based trust ?
I am interested, but I currently live in nsw, but wish to move to Tasmania in the near future.
Hey Jemima. We haven't heard of anyone up North at this stage. Will keep our ears open!
I'm up north... and would be interested.
Hi Jarad,
Are you in Northern Tas? Shall we talk?
i live in WA but I'd be interested in exploring
Hi Folks, I recommend reading The Australian Community Land Trust Manual by Dr Louise Crabtree. It's a free download from: and if you still have questions, I'd try contacting Louise: